HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual
Page 54

2 Hardware Installation and Configuration
If the cable is not connected, ASR can perform a hard reset, an action similar to
pushing the reset button. Graceful shutdown will initiate the shutdown string
sequence, but will not be able to turn the power off.
See Chapter 2 for information on installing the cable provided with the HP Remote
Assistant product.
Restart on NOS Hang (ASR). When enabled, HP Remote Assistant initiates an
Automatic Server Restart if the server NOS hangs. For this feature to be available, the
ASR driver software must be installed and configured for use with the server's network
operating system. For more information on setting up the ASR software, see the
section, "Setting Up the ASR Software," in Chapter 3.
Shut Down and Page if 'Shutdown' Temperature Exceeded. When enabled, HP
Remote Assistant performs a graceful shutdown of the server when it detects a
temperature above the range specified as acceptable. If the temperature continues to
rise and reaches "critical" temperature (5 degrees above the shutdown temperature),
HP Remote Assistant immediately powers down the server. (System power will be shut
off only if the power control cable is connected and configured as connected.)
After a power down, the server cannot be powered up remotely. The red reset
button on the back panel of the Remote Assistant board must be pushed back
in manually.
Shutdown String. The purpose of a graceful shutdown is to power off the server in an
orderly fashion when the shutdown temperature is exceeded. Use this field to enter a
command string that can be typed at the server keyboard to perform a graceful
shutdown of the system. (The Configuration Utility will verify the string syntax and
display an error message if the string is incorrect.) An administrator at a remote
console can also use a server reset option to send the shutdown string to the server to
test the string or to shut down the server NOS. For more information on shutting down
the NOS, see Chapter 5.
For proper operation of the shutdown string, HP Remote Assistant's keyboard
layout configuration must correspond to the keyboard driver being used by
the server's operating system. For more information on selecting a keyboard
layout, see "Selecting Keyboard Layouts," later in this chapter.
HP Remote Assistant provides a program syntax for entering graceful shutdown
strings that can be recognized by the server. A complete guide to this syntax is
provided in Appendix E.