HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual
Page 119
5 Using HPRA to Manage Server Operations
16. Close the Desktop Settings menu.
After creating hot key in OS/2, you can "press" the hot key by sending a series of
keystroke combinations from the remote console.
To invoke an OS/2 Full Screen session from the remote console, type the following
keystroke combinations:
1. Alt Esc
Ctrl-A Esc Esc
2. Ctrl Esc
Ctrl-D Esc Esc
3. Home
Esc [ H
4. Enter
5. Ctrl-\
Ctrl-D \
6. Shift F10
Ctrl-F a Ctrl-F 0
7. {hot key}
{hot key}
Windows NT Graphics Console Redirection
In Windows NT, to redirect graphics console information from a server, select
"Console Redirection" from the Main Menu, then choose the second option on the sub-
menu, "NT Graphics Console Redirection," as shown below.
HP Remote Assistant Main Menu
Server Name: HP NetServer Server ID: 001
1. Show Event Log
2. Show Status
3. Console Redirection
4. Server Reset Menu
5. DOS File Transfer
6. Launch DOS Utilities
7. Bus Utilization History
8. Event Management Configuration
9. Administrator/Pager Configuration
X. Disconnect
Selecting Step 3 Console Redirection displays the following screen:
1. Text console redirection
2. NT Graphics Console Redirection
Enter Selection or (M)ain Menu