HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual

Page 60

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2 Hardware Installation and Configuration


To specify a modem, press F4. A list of modems supported for use with HP Remote
Assistant is displayed. Select a modem from the scrollable list, then press Enter to
return to the External Modem window.

If the model of modem you are using does not appear in the modem list, you should
select Generic Hayes-Compatible and see your modem documentation for an
initialization string.


If you choose to use an external modem with Remote Assistant, HP

recommends that you use a modem listed in Appendix B of this guide.
However, if you choose to use an unlisted modem and want to fashion your
own initialization string, refer to the README.TXT file on the HP Remote
Assistant Server diskette.

The table below lists the Hayes modem commands required in the string to enable
modem features for a remote console connection. For other types of modems, see the
documentation provided with your modem for a list of equivalent commands.