HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual
Page 116

5 Using HPRA to Manage Server Operations
The status information includes the server's identifying name and code, the current
version of the HP Remote Assistant firmware, current voltage readings (the +3.3V
level only appears if it is relevant for the system being monitored), and the current
temperature level. (If the server is shut off, a message will appear instead, indicating
that the server is powered down.) The information also identifies the board's power
source (either the system or the on-board battery).
For more information on using the Configuration Utility to specify the server
identification data, see the section, "Identifying the Server," in Chapter 2.
Viewing Current Bus Utilization
You can also use the Status screen to view a graphical representation of EISA bus
usage in the form of a bar chart that is updated in real-time. (You can also view a
historical graph of bus usage with the Bus Utilization menu option, described later in
this chapter.)
When you type C and press Enter, HP Remote Assistant clears the display and begins
generating bars representing current bus usage. The bars are updated at one second
intervals. For example:
When the bars reach the bottom of the display area, the screen scrolls to accommodate
the updated data. End the display and return to the status screen by pressing any key.