HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual

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Quick Start


From the HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM, run the HP Remote Assistant
Configuration Utility (select HP NetServer Utilities and move HP NetServer
Utilities from the Navigator Main Menu). Set up: connection type (modem or
direct), administrator access (required), event management, sensor and
measurement thresholds, and paging notification.

2. Install server software (see Chapter 3 for detailed instructions):

Boot the HP NetServer Navigator CD-ROM.

If you can't install a Utility Partition on your HP NetServer, install the DOS-based
HP Remote Assistant server software on a bootable DOS partition (see Chapter 3).
SCO UNIX does not support a bootable HP NetServer Navigator Utility Partition.

Install the NOS-based HP Remote Assistant server software (NOS dependent, see
instructions in Chapter 3).


You will need at least 8MB of unallocated disk space to accommodate the

server software.

For Windows NT servers, configure pcANYWHERE32 for the HP Remote
Assistant modem (see Chapter 3).

Configure the SNMP Agent to send traps to your console (NOS dependent, see
instructions in Chapter 3).

3. Install remote console software (see Chapter 4 for detailed instructions):

Set up terminal emulation.

Option 1: If you are managing a server from a Windows 3.1, Windows for
Workgroups, Windows 3.51 NT, or Windows 95 PC console, install the
Terminal Plus software (run setup.exe from the HP Remote Assistant Console

In addition, if you have a Remote Assistant board in a Windows NT 3.51 server
and want to be able to redirect control of your server to a remote Windows NT
3.51 PC or Windows 95 console, also install the pcANYWHERE32 software
(run setup.exe from the pcANYWHERE32, Diskette 1).

Option 2: If you are managing a server using a direct terminal connection, or
you are using a terminal emulation package other than Terminal Plus, follow
the instructions listed in Chapter 4.

Connect to an HP Remote Assistant from an HP NetServer Assistant management
console (optional—see the instructions listed in Chapter 4).