Bus utilization history – HP Remote Assistant Card User Manual

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5 Using HPRA to Manage Server Operations



You may also need to update the EISA Configuration Utility files on the

Utility Partition if a new version is required for the new BIOS.

For example, to send new BIOS files to the server from the NetServer Navigator CD:

1. Insert the Navigator CD in the remote console’s CD-ROM drive (e.g. drive E).

2. From Terminal Plus, select Send Binary File.

3. From the Transfers menu bar, enter the directory:


4. Include all files in the transfer by entering


Terminal Plus sends all files in the selected directory to the Utility Partition.


The transfer of BIOS files may take as long as 30 minutes to complete

depending on the resources of the Server and speed of the connection.

Alternatively, you can access the files necessary for a BIOS update via the HP Support
BBS or by way of the HP FTP server.

7. Bus Utilization History

In addition to viewing current bus usage with the Show Status menu option, you can
also use HP Remote Assistant to view a recent history of bus usage, including usage
peaks and averages.

To view a graphical representation of bus utilization history, choose Bus Utilization
History from the Main Menu. HP Remote Assistant displays a chart of bus usage for
the current day. The chart shows average bus usage at two-hour increments as well as
the peak value for that period and the time at which peak usage occurred.

Hour Peak@Time (=)Average (-)Peak
00:00 [ 3%@ 00:50] =
02:00 [ 3%@ 01:20] =
04:00 [10%@ 03:34] ===
06:00 [ 3%@ 04:20] =
08:00 [ 3%@ 06:47] =
10:00 [ 3%@ 09:06] =
12:00 [ 3%@ 11:18] =
14:00 [14%@ 13:53] ====
16:00 [ 3%@ 14:34] =

<>P>revious/ext day, ump Last 7 Days, ain Menu