Module, Is a, Multifunction i/o board (mfiob) – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 262

drive can continue operations. Each drive has the same volume name, but the name has a
suffix to show which drive is the primary (-P) and which is the mirror (-M).
See also
modular ServerNet expansion board (MSEB)
ServerNet expansion board (SEB)
that uses plug-in cards (PICs) to provide a choice of
connection media for routing ServerNet packets.
A set of components sharing a common hardware interconnection, such as a backplane. A
module is a subset of a
and is usually contained in an enclosure. In NonStop
S-series servers, an enclosure contains one group, and a group contains only one module.
MSEB port
A connector on modular ServerNet expansion boards (MSEBs) used for ServerNet links.
An MSEB has four fixed serial-copper ports and six
(PIC) slots that accept a
variety of connection media. See also
multifunction I/O board (MFIOB)
A ServerNet adapter that contains
ServerNet addressable controllers (SACs)
and Ethernet; a
; a router with ServerNet links to the
, to the
two ServerNet adapter slots, and to one of the
ServerNet expansion board (SEB)
, which connects components within
to the service processor. The MFIOB is integrated into the
multilane link
A communication link between HP NonStop Cluster Switches that can consist of multiple
ServerNet cables. Two-lane links and four-lane links are examples of multilane links.
multimode fiber-optic (MMF) ServerNet cable
A fiber-optic cable that either allows more than one mode to propagate or supports
propagation of more than one mode of a given wavelength. MMF ServerNet cable
typically supports shorter transmission distances than
For the OSM software, the name attribute is determined by the connection type. When
you use the service connection, the
is used. When you use the low-level
link, the service processor (SP) logical name is used.