HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 253

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A device that stores data on a disk and provides random access to addressable locations
on the disk. There are two types of disk drives:

On magnetic drives, access is provided by magnetic read/write heads.

On optical drives, access is provided by a low-intensity laser beam.

disk volume

A logical disk drive. A volume can be one or two physical drives. In NonStop S-series
servers, volumes have names that begin with a dollar sign ($), such as $DATA.


A set of objects on the


over which control or ownership is maintained. Types of

domains include

power domains


serial maintenance bus (SMB) domains



To transfer software from one location to another, where the transferring entity initiates
the transfer.


To copy the contents of a


memory onto disk or magnetic tape for later

analysis, as in a tape dump.

dynamic information

Information that represents the set of supported resources that actually exist in the current
configuration of the


. Dynamic information is gathered from a server through the

process of



See also static information.



In NonStop S-series servers, a structure or assembly that houses system components or
peripheral devices. Enclosures that rest on the floor are called base enclosures.
Enclosures that rest on another enclosure are called stackable enclosures.

See also




A local area network (LAN) that uses the carrier sense multiple access with collision
detection (CSMA/CD) access method on a bus topology and is the basis for the IEEE
802.3 standard.

Ethernet 4 ServerNet adapter (E4SA)

A ServerNet adapter for Ethernet local area networks (LANs) that contains four Ethernet