HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Osm user's guide

OSM User's Guide
OSM User's Guide
Product Version: HP OSM T0682AAA
Version ID: 2004November09
The HP NonStop" Open System Management (OSM) software is a collection of client/server
applications that provide troubleshooting, maintenance, and service tools for the HP NonStop
S-series server. The OSM software also allows you to view and manage resources within a
supported Expand network, such as an HP NonStop ServerNet Cluster.
Help Available Within the OSM Service Connection
When you select OSM Online Help from the OSM Help menu, you are prompted to Open or
Save the file. Select Open for direct access to the online version of the
(which includes information on how to use the OSM Service Connection.) If you select Save,
the Save As dialog box allows you to save a copy to your workstation. In this way, you can
access the OSM User's Guide without having an active OSM Service Connection session.
From within an active OSM Service Connection session, context-sensitive help is available by
using help buttons and by selecting objects within the various panes of the OSM Management
window and pressing the F1 key.
Sources of OSM Related Information
The NonStop S-Series Hardware Installation and FastPath Guide describes how to
connect and configure a system console for use with OSM software.
The OSM Migration Guide describes how to prepare for migration from Compaq TSM to
OSM. Topics include:
Comparison of OSM and TSM software
Hardware products for which OSM is required
System console hardware and software requirements for using OSM
Coexistence and fallback issues
How to migrate an existing TSM system list for OSM use
Document Outline
- OSM User's Guide
- OSM User's Guide
- Chapter 1. Introducing OSM
- Chapter 2. Preparing the OSM Environment
- Chapter 3. Configuring OSM
- Chapter 4. Starting the OSM Service Connection
- Chapter 5. Using the Management Window
- Chapter 6. Viewing Alarms
- Chapter 7. Viewing Attributes
- Chapter 8. Performing Actions
- Chapter 9. Viewing Summary Reports
- Chapter 10. Managing a System
- Chapter 11. System Resources
- Chapter 12. Managing a ServerNet Cluster
- Chapter 13. Cluster Resources
- Chapter 14. Updating ServerNet Cluster Topology
- Glossary
- Legal Notice