Training. crus are considered to be a subset of, Field-replaceable units (frus), Group – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

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A single-ported ServerNet adapter that supports 100-megabit/second (Mbps) or 10-Mbps
Ethernet data transfer rates on an HP NonStop" S-series server. The 3863 FESA installs
directly into an available I/O port.

Fiber Optic Extension (FOX)

Refers to two products, FOX II and ServerNet/FX, which allow you to create high-speed
(up to 4 megabytes/second) networks of as many as 14 systems connected by dual
fiber-optic cables.

field-replaceable unit (FRU)

A unit that can be replaced in the field only by qualified personnel trained by HP and
cannot be replaced by customers. A unit is classified as a FRU because of safety hazards
such as weight, size, sharp edges, or electrical potential; contractual agreements with
suppliers; or national or international standards. See also

customer-replaceable unit




Code in memory that is necessary for the power-up initialization and communication with
a host or device. The software for components of the ServerNet architecture (for
example, an adapter) is called firmware. Some firmware for ServerNet components is
downloaded when the system or component is loaded.

flash memory

A type of memory that contains essential firmware and nonessential firmware.


gateway IP address

IP address

that describes a gateway. A gateway specifies which router will receive

communication destined for addresses in an unknown subnet.

Gigabit Ethernet ServerNet adapter (GESA)

A single-port ServerNet adapter that provides 1000 megabits/second (Mbps) data transfer
rates between HP NonStop" S-series systems and Ethernet LANs. A GESA can be
directly installed in slots 51 through 54 of an I/O enclosure and slots 53 and 54 of a
processor enclosure.

globally unique ID (GUID)

A unique, read-only number stored in nonvolatile memory (SEEPROM) on a ServerNet
II switch. The GUID, which also appears on the bar code label, can be used
programmatically to identify the switch. The GUID is also used to identify the NonStop
Cluster Switch, of which the ServerNet II switch is a component.


The set of all objects accessible on the serial maintenance bus (SMB) of a pair of service