Attributes, Actions – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 189
Battery Status
Indicates the current status of the UPS battery. Possible values are
Normal and On Battery.
OSM displays a yellow alarm if the UPS goes On Battery (or starts
drawing power from the battery). This alarm goes away when the UPS
stops drawing power from the battery. OSM displays a red alarm when
the battery power is low.
Device Status
Indicates whether the UPS is up or down.
Identificaton Information
Displays additional information about the UPS as set by super-user in the
web interface (see the
are allowed.
Example: UPS Web Card
IP Address
The IP address of the UPS.
VA Rating
This is the apparent power rating of the UPS, expressed in Volt-Amperes.
Example: 12000 VA
UPS Location
Displays the physical location of the UPS as set by super-user in the the
UPS Model
The model within a given family of UPS.
Example: R12000 XR
UPS Serial Number
The unique number assigned to the UPS in manufacturing. Knowing the
serial number is especially helpful when you need to replace batteries or
required other service.
Example: TU321A1185
Link to Web Interface
Provides a link to the UPS web interface for detailed device information and configuration.
To log on to the UPS interface, use the User ID, Password, IP address, and (UPS) Name that was
established during initial configuration. For more information, see the Modular I/O Installation and
Configuration Guide.
Causes OSM to refresh and reanalyze the object. Refresh refers to OSM updating the attribute values
displayed in the OSM Service Connection interface. Reanalyze refers to the running of OSM incident
analysis, which checks EMS event messages and creates alarms in OSM if certain conditions exist.