39 scripts in batch files, Figure 39 – HP XP Array Manager Software User Manual

Page 92

background image

Batch file for Windows computers (runWin.bat)

java -classpath "./lib/JSanExport.jar;./lib/JSanRmiServer.jar" -Dmd.command=command.txt

-Dmd.logpath=log sanproject.getmondat.RJMdMain

Batch file for UNIX computers (runUnix.bat)

#! /bin/sh
java -classpath "./lib/JSanExport.jar:./lib/JSanRmiServer.jar" -Dmd.command=command.txt

-Dmd.logpath=log sanproject.getmondat.RJMdMain


The symbol indicates the end of a command line.

Figure 39 Scripts in Batch Files

If the computer that runs the Export Tool communicates directly with the SVP, you usually do not need to

change scripts in runWin.bat and runUnix.bat. However, you might need to edit the java command script

in your text editor in some occasions, for example:

if the name of your command file is not command.txt

if you moved your command file to a different directory

if you do not want to save log files in the log directory

if you want to name log files as you like

If the computer that runs the Export Tool communicates with the SVP via a proxy host, you need to edit the

java command script in your text editor. When editing the java command script, you need to specify the

host name (or the IP address) and the port number of the proxy host. For example, if the host name is

Jupiter and the port number is 8080, the resulting command script as shown in

Figure 40

on page 92:

Batch file for Windows computers (runWin.bat)

java -classpath "./lib/JSanExport.jar;./lib/JSanRmiServer.jar" -Dhttp.proxyHost=Jupiter

-Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dmd.command=command.txt -Dmd.logpath=log sanproject.getmondat.RJMdMain

Batch file for UNIX computers (runUnix.bat)

#! /bin/sh
java -classpath "./lib/JSanExport.jar:./lib/JSanRmiServer.jar" -Dhttp.proxyHost=Jupiter
-Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dmd.command=command.txt -Dmd.logpath=log sanproject.getmondat.RJMdMain


The symbol indicates the end of a command line.

Figure 40 Scripts in Batch Files (When Specifying the Host Name of a Proxy Host)

If the IP address of the proxy host is and the port number is 8080, the resulting

command script is as follows:

Batch file for Windows computers (runWin.bat)

java -classpath "./lib/JSanExport.jar;./lib/JSanRmiServer.jar" -Dhttp.proxyHost=
-Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dmd.command=command.txt -Dmd.logpath=log sanproject.getmondat.RJMdMain


Batch file for UNIX computers (runUnix.bat)

#! /bin/sh
java -classpath "./lib/JSanExport.jar:./lib/JSanRmiServer.jar" -Dhttp.proxyHost=
-Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dmd.command=command.txt -Dmd.logpath=log sanproject.getmondat.RJMdMain


The symbol indicates the end of a command line.

Figure 41 Scripts in Batch Files (When Specifying the IP Address of a Proxy Host)

For detailed information about syntax of the java command, see

Java Command for Exporting Data In Files

” on page 119.


Using the Export Tool

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