Example – HP XP Array Manager Software User Manual

Page 120

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You can specify the following parameters. At least you must specify -Dmd.command.

-Dhttp.proxyHost=host-name-of-proxy-host, or -Dhttp.proxyHost=IP-address-of-proxy-host

Specifies the host name or the IP address of a proxy host. You must specify this parameter

if the computer that runs the Export Tool communicates with the SVP via a proxy host.


Specifies the port number of a proxy host. You must specify this parameter if the computer

that runs the Export Tool communicates with the SVP via a proxy host.


Specifies the path to the command file


Specifies the path to log files. A log file will be created whenever the Export Tool executes.

If this parameter is omitted, log files will be saved in the current directory.


Specifies the name of the log file.

If this parameter is omitted, log files are named exportMMddHHmmss.log. MMddHHmmss

indicates when the Export Tool executed. For example, the log file export0101091010.log

contains log information about Export Tool execution at Jan. 1, 09:10:10.


The following example assumes that the computer running the Export Tool communicates with the SVP

via a proxy host. In this example, the host name of the proxy host is Jupiter, and the port name of

the proxy host is 8080:

java -classpath "./lib/JSanExport.jar;./lib/JSanRmiServer.jar" -Dhttp.proxyHost=Jupiter

-Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dmd.command=command.txt -Dmd.logpath=log sanproject.getmondat.RJMdMain

In the following example, a log file named export.log will be created in the log directory below the

current directory when the Export Tool executes:

java -classpath "./lib/JSanExport.jar;./lib/JSanRmiServer.jar" -Dmd.command=command.txt
-Dmd.logfile=export.log -Dmd.logpath=log sanproject.getmondat.RJMdMain


The symbol indicates the end of a command line.


Using the Export Tool

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