Journal group operations – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

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Continuous Access XP Journal

Cache overflow watch: If journal cache remains full for the time period specified by the cache overflow

watch parameter, the journal group is suspended due to a failure. This parameter can be 0 to 90


If the amount of data in journal cache in the primary disk array reaches the specified journal cache

capacity, disk array I/Os are delayed. If journal cache remains full for the time period specified by the

cache overflow watch parameter, the primary disk array suspends the affected journal groups due to a

If the amount of data in journal cache in the secondary disk array reaches the specified journal cache

capacity, the secondary disk array stores received journal data in the restore journal volume, and issues

the next read-journal command to the primary disk array. This prevents an increase in the cache usage


Journal group operations

Continuous Access XP Journal journal groups maintains update sequence consistency across a journal

group of volumes. The primary and secondary data volumes of the pairs in a journal group must be

located within one physical primary disk array and one physical secondary disk array (1-to-1

When more than one data volume is updated, the order data volumes are updated is managed within the

journal group to which the data volumes belong. Data update consistency is maintained among paired

journal groups. Continuous Access XP Journal uses journal groups to maintain data consistency among

data volumes.
Continuous Access XP Journal provides the following group-based operations to simplify and expedite

disaster or failure recovery procedures:

Group operations at the primary disk array
• Split all pairs in a journal group. See ”

Splitting mirrors (Pairsplit-r: suspending copy operations)

” on

page 103 for a description of the Suspend Range-Group pairsplit option.

• Resume all suspended pairs in a journal group. See ”

Restoring mirrors (Pairresync: resuming copy


” on page 104 for a description of the Resume Range-Group pairresync option.

• Delete all pairs in a journal group. See ”

Deleting data volumes from mirrors (Pairsplit-S: ending

copy operations)

” on page 105 for a description of the Delete Range-Group pairdelete option.

Group operations at the secondary disk array
• Split (pairsplit-r) all pairs in a journal group. See ”

Splitting mirrors (Pairsplit-r: suspending copy


” on page 103 for a description of the Suspend Range-Group pairsplit-r option.

• Delete (pairsplit-S) all pairs in a journal group regardless of their consistency status. See ”


data volumes from mirrors (Pairsplit-S: ending copy operations)

” on page 105 for a description of

the Delete Range-Group pairsplit-S option.

Continuous Access XP Journal data volume pair status

Continuous Access XP Journal displays the pair status for each data volume of a specified CU Image (CUI)

in the connected local disk array.

Table 4

lists and describes the Continuous Access XP Journal data

volume pair statuses. The primary disk array maintains the primary data volume’s status and can change

the pair status of the primary and secondary data volumes. The secondary disk array maintains the

secondary data volume’s status and can change the pair status of the primary and secondary data

volumes, but not the primary data volume. The primary disk array detects when the secondary disk array

changes the secondary data volume’s status (if the path status is normal) and changes the primary data

volume’s status accordingly. You can display detailed pair status information using Command View XP or

XP Remote Web Console (Continuous Access XP Journal Pairdisplay pane) or a UNIX/PC server host (RAID

Manager Pairdisplay command).
A volume that is not assigned to a Continuous Access XP Journal data volume pair has the status SMPL.

When a Continuous Access XP Journal data volume pair is started, the primary disk array changes the

status of the primary and secondary data volumes to COPY. When the initial copy operation is complete,

the primary disk array changes the status of both data volumes to PAIR. When a pair is suspended due to

an error condition, the primary disk array changes the status of the primary and secondary data volumes

to PSUE (if the path status is normal). When you split a Continuous Access XP Journal pair (pairsplit-r), the