Continuous access xp journal has not been started, Pair operation pane components, Figure 49 pair operation pane – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 106: 49 pair operation pane

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106 Continuous Access XP Journal

To display the Pair Operation pane, do one of the following.

Continuous Access XP Journal has not been started


Use your Web browser to display the storage device list. In the storage device list, select the disk array

to log into. Enter a user name and the password, and click OK. The Command View XP or XP Remote

Web Console main pane appears. For more information, see the HP StorageWorks Command View XP

User Guide for XP Disk Arrays or the HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console User Guide for



On the Command View XP or XP Remote Web Console main pane, click the Continuous Access XP

Journal button (

). Continuous Access XP Journal starts.


Click the Pair Operation tab. The Pair Operation pane appears.

Continuous Access XP Journal has already been started


Click the Pair Operation tab. The Pair Operation pane appears.

Pair Operation pane components

Figure 49

Pair Operation pane

The Pair Operation pane displays the following:

Tree: Lists ports in the local disk array. Below each port appear host groups. If you select a port or a

host group, the list displays volumes for the port or the host group. You can select only one port or one

host group at one time and cannot select two or more simultaneously.

Upper-right buttons: The following buttons appear at the upper-right corner of the pane:
• Display Filter: Displays the Display Filter pane. Use this pane to narrow information in the list, so the

list displays only the volumes that satisfy certain conditions. For more information, see ”


information in the list in the Pair Operation pane

” on page 109.

• Snapshot: Saves information about volume pairs in a text file. For more information, see ”


pair status information to a text file

” on page 110.

• Previous: The list can display up to 1,024 volume pairs simultaneously. If the number of volume

pairs exceeds 1,024, use the Previous button to display the previous 1,024 volume pairs in the list.

• Next: The list can display up to 1,024 volume pairs simultaneously. If the number of volume pairs

exceeds 1,024, use the Next button to display the next 1,024 volume pairs in the list.

List: Displays volumes in the local disk array. One row represents one volume.