Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Stacking Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 69
+--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+
=2/1| 4|2/6==2/6| 3|2/1==2/1| 2|2/6==2/6| 1|2/1==2/1| 7|2/6==2/6| 6|2/1=
| +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ |
| |
| standby |
| +--+ |
-------------------------------------------------------------2/1| 5|2/6=
Standby u5 - protocols ready, can failover or manually switch over
Current stack management MAC is 0000.0034.1234
If you add a stack member ID, output is displayed for that member only.
device# show stack 1
ID Type Role MAC Address Prio State Comment
1 S FCX648 active 0000.00eb.a900 130 local Ready
device# show stack 2
ID Type Role MAC Address Prio State Comment
2 S FCX648 standby 0000.004f.4243 0 remote Ready, member after reload
device#show stack 3
ID Type Role MAC Address Prio State Comment
3 S FCX624 member 0000.004f.4243 0 remote Ready
If you add the detail keyword to the show stack command, output resembles the following on an ICX
6610 switch.
device(config)# show stack detail
alone: standalone, D: dynamic config, S: static config
ID Type Role MAC Address Pri State Comment
1 S ICX6610-24P member 0000.0034.5238 0 remote Ready
2 S ICX6610-48P member 0000.0034.4800 0 remote Ready
3 S ICX6610-24F member 0000.0085.0124 0 remote Ready
4 S ICX6610-48P active 0000.0034.4930 200 local Ready
5 S ICX6610-48P standby 0000.0034.4d14 200 remote Ready
6 S ICX6610-24P member 0000.0034.50b4 0 remote Ready
7 S ICX6610-24P member 0000.0034.504c 0 remote Ready
8 S ICX6610-24F member 0000.0000.0000 200 reserve
+-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
| +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ |
| |
| standby|
| +-+ |
Standby u5 - protocols ready, can failover or manually switch over
Current stack management MAC is 0000.0034.1234
Stack Port Status Neighbors
Unit# Stack-port1 Stack-port2 Stack-port1 Stack-port2
1 up (1/2/1-1/2/5) up (1/2/6-1/2/10) unit7 (7/2/1-7/2/5) unit2 (2/2/6-2/2/10)
2 up (2/2/1-2/2/5) up (2/2/6-2/2/10) unit3 (3/2/1-3/2/5) unit1 (1/2/6-1/2/10)
3 up (3/2/1-3/2/5) up (3/2/6-3/2/10) unit2 (2/2/1-2/2/5) unit4 (4/2/6-4/2/10)
4 up (4/2/1-4/2/5) up (4/2/6-4/2/10) unit5 (5/2/1-5/2/5) unit3 (3/2/6-3/2/10)
5 up (5/2/1-5/2/5) up (5/2/6-5/2/10) unit4 (4/2/1-4/2/5) unit6 (6/2/1-6/2/5)
6 up (6/2/1-6/2/5) up (6/2/6-6/2/10) unit5 (5/2/6-5/2/10) unit7 (7/2/6-7/2/10)
7 up (7/2/1-7/2/5) up (7/2/6-7/2/10) unit1 (1/2/1-1/2/5) unit6 (6/2/6-6/2/10)
Unit# System uptime
1 5 days 6 hours 58 minutes 20 seconds
2 5 days 6 hours 58 minutes 20 seconds
3 5 days 6 hours 58 minutes 20 seconds
4 5 days 6 hours 58 minutes 21 seconds
5 1 days 11 hours 45 minutes 37 seconds
6 5 days 6 hours 58 minutes 21 seconds
7 5 days 6 hours 58 minutes 21 seconds
The system started at 23:43:14 GMT+00 Thu Oct 20 2011
Syntax: show stack [ stack-unit | detail ]
Traditional Stacking
FastIron Ethernet Switch Stacking Configuration Guide