Icx devices, Brocade traditional stacking terminology, Stack unit roles – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Stacking Configuration Guide User Manual

Page 15: General traditional stacking terminology

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ICX devices

All ICX 6610, ICX 6430, and ICX 6450 devices can be active members of a Brocade IronStack. For
information about how to install ICX 6610 devices, refer to the Brocade ICX 6610 Stackable Switch
Hardware Installation Guide
. For information about how to install ICX 6430 and ICX 6450 devices, refer
to the Brocade ICX 6430 and ICX 6450 Stackable Switches Hardware Installation Guide.

ICX devices also support trunked stacking ports. For ICX 6610 devices, refer to

ICX 6610 stacking for

different topologies

on page 18 for details. For ICX 6450 and ICX 6430 devices, refer to


ICX 6450 and ICX 6430 devices in a traditional stack

on page 20.

All ICX 6610 devices can be ordered from the factory as -ADV models with support for Layer 3 BGP.

Brocade traditional stacking terminology

Stack unit roles

Active controller - Handles stack management and configures all system- and interface-level

Future active controller- The unit that will take over as active controller after the next
reload, if its priority has been changed to the highest priority. When a priority for a stack
unit is changed to be higher than the existing active controller, the takeover does not
happen immediately to prevent disruptions in the stack operation.

Standby controller - The stack member with the highest priority after the active controller. The
standby controller takes over if the current active controller fails.

Stack Member - A unit functioning in the stack in a capacity other than active or standby controller.

Stack Unit - Any device functioning within the stack, including the active controller and standby

Upstream Stack Unit - An upstream unit is connected to the first stacking port on the
active controller. (The left-hand port as you face the stacking ports.)

Downstream Stack Unit - A downstream unit is connected to the second stacking port on
the active controller. (The right-hand port as you face the stacking ports.)

General traditional stacking terminology

Bootup Role - the role a unit takes during the boot sequence. This role can be standalone, active
controller, standby controller, or stack member. The active controller or a standalone unit can
access the full range of the CLI. Until a stack is formed, the local consoles on the standby controller
and stack members provide access to a limited form of the CLI, such as the show, stack, and a
few debug commands. When the stack is formed, all local consoles are directed to the active
controller, which can access the entire CLI. The last line of output from the show version
command indicates the role of a unit, unless it is a standalone unit, in which case it is not shown.
For example:

My stack unit ID = 1, bootup role = active

Clean Unit - A unit that contains no startup flash configuration or runtime configuration. To erase
old configuration information, enter the erase startup-config command and reset the unit. For FCX
devices, the runtime configuration on a clean unit may also contain default-port information,

Control Path - A path across stacking links dedicated to carrying control traffic such as commands
to program hardware or software image data for upgrades. A stack unit must join the control path to
operate fully in the stack.

Default Port - FCX devices use the default-port command to define stacking port candidates.

ICX devices

FastIron Ethernet Switch Stacking Configuration Guide

