Stack port resiliency in icx 6610 devices, Configuring stack port resiliency in the icx 6610, Syslog messages for stack port resiliency – Brocade FastIron Ethernet Switch Stacking Configuration Guide User Manual
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the diagnosis prints nothing because it cannot distinguish hardware failure or the cable is not
*** Warning! miss 4*10G link 5/2/8(down)to 1/2/8(down). Stack can still work.
*** Warning! U1, dir=1, 4*10G ports: 1/2/8 are down.
*** Warning! U5, dir=1, 4*10G ports: 5/2/8 are down.
Please use "show stack conn" to view detailed connections
You can suppress the error messages by configuring "stack suppress-warning"
Stack port resiliency in ICX 6610 devices
In an ICX 6610 device, sometimes a stacking port cannot send or receive packets though the port is
logically operational. To detect this, probe packets are sent between the ICX 6610 units in a stack every
two seconds. If a port is logically operational and does not receive a probe packet for 60 seconds, it is
considered a malfunctioning port. To resolve this, you can configure the active controller to perform
correctional steps such as error-disabling malfunctioning ports and reloading one or more stack units.
You can use the show errdisable summary command to view a list of all error-disabled ports with the
reason for error-disabling these ports.
A malfunctioning stack port that is error-disabled cannot be enabled until the unit is reloaded.
Traffic interruption occurs for a few seconds or longer while the port malfunction is detected and fixed.
Configuring stack port resiliency in the ICX 6610
To configure stack port resiliency on an ICX 6610 device in a stack, run the stack stack-port-
resiliency command in global configuration mode.
This enables the active controller to perform correctional steps such as error-disabling
malfunctioning ports and reloading one or more stack units, depending on the value configured for
the level variable in this command.
The following example shows the configuration of stack port resiliency on a stack
with the level variable value set to 2.
Brocade(config)# stack stack-port-resiliency 2
Syslog messages for stack port resiliency
For stack port resiliency, syslog messages are generated when the active controller performs
correctional steps such as error-disabling malfunctioning ports, reloading one or more stack units, and
reloading an entire stack. These syslog messages do not have a fixed format. They also may not be
entirely accurate because of communication problems between stack units.
When a malfunctioning port is error-disabled, the stack unit generates a syslog message similar to the
SYSLOG: <10>0d00h10m22s : ICX6610-24P Router Stack: port 2/2/8 U2 errdisable 2/2/8:
reason: 2/2/8 --> 1/2/8
Stack port resiliency in ICX 6610 devices
FastIron Ethernet Switch Stacking Configuration Guide