H-5223 – Xylem H-5223 User Manual
Page 27

system resets to zero. On the next visit to the site, review the condition of the battery
since the last visit by looking at the max and min values and the number of system resets.
Ideally, the number of resets would still be zero and the max and min battery values
would be within a normal operating range. A low minimum battery voltage could indicate
a weak charging system, a battery that is too small for the site, or bad wiring, etc. A low
battery could also cause the system to reset. System resets normally indicate a problem
with the battery voltage being too low, bad wiring, or poor power connections. Lightening
and other external factors may also cause the system to reset. A high maximum battery
voltage could indicate that the regulator is bad and that it is passing all of the energy from
the solar panel to the system.
3.5 I - Sensor Input Options
The “Sensor Input Options” menu shows the current values of all the sensor inputs. Also sub-
menus are available for changing the setup parameters of each input. The following table shows
what the “Sensor Input Options” screen looks like.
--- Sensor Input Options ---
Dig I/O #1: 0.03 (CNTR)
Dig I/O #2: 1 (DIG IN)
Ana1: 0.903 Ana3: 1.232
Ana2: 1.343 Ana4: 57.344
D - Digital I/O Setup
A - Analog Input Setup
G - Generic SDI-12 Options
Enter Option >
3.5.1 D - Digital I/O Setup (Encoder Setup)
This sub menu will allow the user to configure the digital I/O section of the H-5223. This
includes defining the pin as an input or an output, and how it will be controlled. Below is the
menu for configuring the first Digital I/O. Digital I/O 2 will look the same as digital I/O 1.
--- Digital I/O 1 Setup ---
V - Dig I/O 1 Value: 1.0
M - I/O Mode: DIG IN
D - Pulse/Delay: 1000 ms
C - Cnt/Encdr Inc: 0.01
S - Trigger Source: Ana1
T - Trigger Type: > Set Pt
P - Trigger Set Pnt: 2.50
1 - Test Output
N - Next
Enter Option >
V - Digital I/O #1 = 1
This option displays the current value for the selected digital I/O. This option will act
differently based on the selected mode of operation for the I/O. Also in some modes (counter
Remote Operation (Menu Mode) 3-5