Installation procedure, Click on the setup icon, As an application short cut icon on the desktop – GE Industrial Solutions EntelliGuard TU Trip Units User Manual

Page 15: Rating plugs & the universal rating plug, Waveform capture, A total of eight cycles are captured, Four pre-trigger, Four post-trigger

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EntelliGuard TU Trip Units: UL/ANSI Models

General Information

©2012 General Electric All Rights Reserved


Installation Procedure

Follow the procedure below to install the EntelliGuard
Setup software in to your system.

• Click on the Setup Icon
• The First Screen will be the welcome screen as shown

below. Opt [Next] to proceed further

• The Next will be the "License Agreement" screen. Opt

[Next] to proceed further.

• The Next screen will show the system path where the

setup is getting installed by default. One can change
the desired system path for the setup program by
clicking on [Browse].

• The system will perform installation in the specified

location after checking for appropriate requirements.
This may take 10 to 15 seconds. Once Installation is
completed user will be prompted with a screen that
has a [Finish] option.

Upon successful installation of the EntelliGuard you can
view the application in either of two places

• As an Application short cut Icon on the desktop
• In Start > Programs > EntelliGuard TU >

EntelliGuard Setup

One can use either of the above to start up the application
on which, the Main Screen of the EntelliGuard Setup will be

For further, detailed instructions on how to add a site and
add a device via serial communication or Ethernet
communication, check the help section on the software.


The EntelliGuard TU trip system is composed of trip units
and trip unit rating plugs along with the sensors and wiring
provided in the circuit breaker to support the trip. Rating
plugs are used to lower the Long Time adjustment range of
the sensor provided in the circuit breaker.

The EntelliGuard TU trip rating plugs are unique in that they
can be used with multiple trip units and circuit breakers
within a specific sensor range, rather than only with a
single specific sensor. The trip rating plug catalog number
identifies the rating as well as the minimum and maximum
sensor rating the plug may be used with. Appendix B lists
trip-rating plugs available for each sensor and their part
numbers and the two-digit codes used within the trip rating
plug catalog numbers to identify sensor current ratings.

ANSI and UL circuit breaker types use a fixed rating plug
with a marked ampere rating. Trip units use the current
sensors installed in the breaker.


A total of eight cycles are captured:

• Four pre-trigger.
• Four post-trigger.
24 VDC external power is required for waveform capture.

When waveform capture is executed, the following
channels will be captured simultaneously: Phase A current,
Phase B Current, Phase C Current, Phase N Current, Phase
L1 voltage, Phase L2 voltage, Phase L3 voltage.

WFC captures 48 samples per cycle, per phase, at 50 hz
and 40 samples per cycle at 60 hz – the same data it used
for its protection algorithms. The GE Setup Software
contains full Waveform retrieval and viewer capability. GE
offers the software free via web download. There is a
function in the software that allows you to clear captured
waveforms. The GTU stores only one waveform record at a

There are COMTRADE format viewers available to interpret
the file downloaded from the trip unit, but the GE Setup
Software is able to display the waveform graphically.

Viewing the waveform capture is described in the setup
software. Currently, the software must be in
communication with the trip unit prior to and during the
event in order for the event to be captured. After the
capture the software will show a file is available. The user
then uses the software to request the file, which is
extracted from the trip unit. At that point the file can be
saved off for external use, or it can be opened for viewing
in the program’s waveform viewer.

Harmonic content is calculated from the waveform data by
the Setup Software. There is no harmonic content
calculation performed by the trip unit – the data is
extracted from the data set by the GE Setup software.


While a waveform capture data (in COMMTRADE format) is

in memory, a new event will overwrite the capture data
in memory. Whether the waveform capture is disabled
or not, no other event is entertained. Unless and until
the waveform is read and cleared by master by issuing
appropriate commands, any read of waveform capture
data will return the same first waveform, even if other
events have occurred in between.


When the Modbus master is reading captured waveform

data and a valid Event (trigger) occurs (for which the
waveform could be captured): This new event is
ignored. Since the trip unit already has an event
captured and hence responding for the same event,
trip unit will ignore the latest event (trigger). The trip
unit will start capturing the new waveform only after
Master has read the complete waveform AND issued a