Other programming, 4 subtract printing – Omega RD200 User Manual
Page 65
11.4 Subtract Printing
This programming is for printing a difference between channels or between a channel and a reference value.
Press and simultaneously to display the [Range/Printing range] programming screen to program
the subtract printing.
Subtract Printing Types
Two types of subtract printings are provided.
(1) Printing a difference between a reference
channel and a subtraction channel
(2) Printing a difference between a reference
channel and a specified subtraction value
(reference value).
Be sure to program [Range/Printing range] of
both the reference channel and the
subtraction channel in advance.
Program the reference value with the scale
programmed value within 5 digits. For
identifying the reference value to a channel
No., be sure to place a decimal point to the
reference value having no decimal point.
→ 2.0> 2 Programming Modes 1) Mode 1 2) Mode 2 (To move from Mode 1 to Mode 2, press after completing the programming for the Mode 1.) Subtract printing channel Concept of subtract printing 0 500ºC 0 500ºC 300 200 100 -250 250ºC Printing range CH 1 CH 2 CH 3 Equa l Ref e renc e ch annel Cu rso r Char a ct e r di sp la y Min u s Unused digits are filled with spaces. Subtraction channel or Subt rac t pri n ting Subtract printing range (11 digits by left justify) Programming lamp Programming reference channel Remarks 1 Place a decimal point to the SHIFT 7 RANGE ENTRY SHIFT - (-) Remarks 2 Memory Character display Programming lamp “R” stands for . “D” stands for . Memory Character display Char a ct e r di sp la y Unused digits are filled with spaces. Min. value (within 5 digits) to Max. value (within 5 digits) Scale value to print 0% + Scale value to print 100%
Subtract printing can be specified to any channel.
For example, [CH 1 minus CH 2] can be specified
to [CH 2]. In this case, the difference between
channels are displayed and printed at CH 2.
and CH 2 at CH 3
reference value (within 5
and subtraction channel
reference value
the subtract
printing mode 1
the subtract
printing mode 2