Dear customer – IBM 1725 SLS User Manual
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Dear Customer,
Although your new QMS printer is the result of the latest and most
advanced engineering techniques in the electronic industry, it isn’t
necessary for you, the user, to understand every detail of the printer’s
design in order to make it do what you bought it for. But there are
some things you’ll need to know about your printer, and we’ve
included guidebooks to help you get started.
We’ve designed your user’s guide to help you find the information you
need as quickly and easily as possible:
Table of Contents—Use this section as a road map to discover
what’s in the Getting Started guide.
About the Documentation—This section functions as a Wel-
come Center. It gives you an idea about what’s in your Setup and
User’s Guide as well as in the other documentation that has
accompanied your printer.
About This Manual—This section describes the same informa-
tion as in the table of contents, but in a descriptive format.
Headers, Footers, and Tab Dividers—Use these as markers to
help you locate the section of the manual you want quickly.
Index—The blue pages at the end of this guide will help you find
the specific information you need.
We hope you enjoy your new QMS printer and find our guides helpful
and informative.
Your QMS Technical Writer