FUJITSU ServerView Respurce Orchestrator Virtual Edition V3.1.0 User Manual
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IP address
Enter the IP address of this server's remote management controller (XSCF).
User ID
Enter the ID of a XSCF user account with administrative authority over this server.
Enter up to 31 characters, including alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), or hyphens ("-"). This name should start
with an alphabet character.
This user should have "platadm" privileges for XSCF.
The user ID reserved for the system cannot be used. Create another user ID.
For details, refer to the XSCF manuals.
Enter the password of the above XSCF user account.
Enter up to 32 characters, including alphanumeric characters, blank spaces (" "), and any of the following symbols.
"!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "[", "]", "{", "}", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "~", ",", ">", "<", "/", "'", "?", ";", ":"
SNMP Community
Enter the SNMP community that was set on this server's remote management controller (XSCF).
Either select [public] or enter an arbitrary string.
Enter a string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
For SPARC Enterprise T series
Controller type
Select [ILOM].
IP address
Enter the IP address of this server's remote management controller (ILOM).
User ID
Enter the ID of an ILOM user account with administrative authority over this server.
Enter between 4 and 16 characters, including alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), or hyphens ("-"). This name should
start with an alphabet character.
This user ID should have "Admin" privileges for ILOM.
Enter the password of the above ILOM user account.
Enter between 8 and 16 characters, including alphanumeric characters, blank spaces (" "), and any of the following symbols.
"!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "[", "]", "{", "}", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "~", ",", ">", "<", "/", "'", "?", ";", ":"
SNMP Community
Enter the SNMP community name of this server's remote management controller (ILOM).
Either select [public] or enter an arbitrary string.
Enter a string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, underscores ("_"), and hyphens ("-").
Admin LAN
IP address
Enter the IP address used by this server on the admin LAN.
Server OS
Select the appropriate server OS category (Physical OS or VM host).
Selecting [Solaris Zone] activates the user name and password input fields.
Those refer to the user name and password entered during installation of this VM host.
For a Physical OS
Select [Solaris].
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