FUJITSU ServerView Respurce Orchestrator Virtual Edition V3.1.0 User Manual

Page 171

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Click .

After switching to the graph display window, the selected power consumption data can be displayed in line graphs.

Figure 19.3 Graph Display Window

The following operations can be performed from the graph display window.


Switching resource display

By selecting and clearing the checkbox of the [Target Resources], it is possible to display or hide the corresponding graph.


Switching plot symbol display

Selecting the [View] or [Hide] radio button of [Plot Notation] switches between displaying and hiding plot symbols in line


Data update

Clicking the update button on the upper right of the screen updates the displayed graph.


Return to resource selection window.

Clicking displays the [Environmental Data Graph] dialog.


If you change the size of the web browser when displaying graphs, click the update button after doing so.

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