FUJITSU ServerView Respurce Orchestrator Virtual Edition V3.1.0 User Manual

Page 34

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Power Off and Reboot

Clicking on a power button that shows "Power ON" status will either shut down or reboot the target server blade. A [Power Operation]
dialog is displayed, in which the appropriate action can be selected.

Figure 6.5 Power Operation Dialog



Selecting "Shutdown" will shut down the target server blade. A confirmation dialog is displayed first.
Clicking in the confirmation dialog shuts down the OS and powers off the managed server.
At this time, the power button changes to an intermediate "Power OFF in progress" state (orange - blinking). The power button finally
displays "Power OFF" status after confirming that the target server has been shut down correctly.



Selecting "Reboot" will reboot the target server blade. A confirmation dialog is displayed first.
Clicking in the confirmation dialog shuts down the OS and reboots the managed server.
At this time, the power button changes to an intermediate "Power ON in progress" state (green - blinking). The power button finally
displays "Power ON" status after confirming that the OS has started up correctly on the target server.

Forced Power Off and Reboot

Clicking on a power button that shows "Power ON" status, and selecting >> in the displayed [Power Operation] dialog enables
selection of the "Force Shutdown" and "Force Reboot" actions.
A forced shutdown (or reboot) will forcibly power off (or reboot) the managed server blade without waiting for its OS to shut down cleanly.

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