HP 750 User Manual

Page 285

background image



primer test, 8Ć42

thermal control, 8Ć28

TTOE, 8Ć29

window sensor, 8Ć51

X motion control, 8Ć43

Y static friction, 8Ć46

YĆaxis encoder, 8Ć47

YĆaxis friction, 8Ć45

servo shutdown error, service note, 10Ć14
setting up the plotter, 3Ć10
setup sheet, example of, 3Ć13
SIMM, GlossaryĆ5
site planing andrequirements, 2Ć1
sizes, media, 1Ć5
slider rod, 9Ć14
software, drivers, 1Ć2
soundpower, 2Ć3
soundpressure, 2Ć3

electrical, 2Ć2

environmental, 2Ć3

moisture, 4Ć2

resolution, 1Ć4

spittoon, 8Ć55
stable legs, service note, 10Ć16
status lights, 3Ć10, 3Ć11
stepper motor, 5Ć6
storage environment, 2Ć3
supplies source, part number, 11Ć35
support services, 12Ć1

AsiaĆPacific, 12Ć8

Europe, 12Ć4

USA, 12Ć2

swelling of belt, 4Ć2
switchĆon Ć normal behavior, list of

characteristics, 8Ć2

symbols, safety, x
system error codes, 8Ć9


tape on cartridges, 8Ć55
TCP/ICP host, 1Ć3
temperature, operating, 2Ć3
thermal control, service test, 8Ć28
thetaĆZ error, 9Ć14
thirdĆparty ink, 3Ć11, 8Ć55
Token Ring, 1Ć3
tools, 6Ć4
trailing cable

reinstaling, 6Ć39

removing, 6Ć36

training, for customer engineers, ii
troubleshooting, 8Ć1

tips, 8Ć55

troubleshooting checklist, print quality, 9Ć2
troublesome plotters, 8Ć55
TTOE, service test, 8Ć29
types, media, 1Ć4


UART, GlossaryĆ6
unpacking instructions, 3Ć2
Upgrading, Pages, 1Ć6
usage, level of, 4Ć4
user documentation, part numbers, 11Ć34
using, this manual, ii
using the plotter, 3Ć10


vertical line straightness, 9Ć14
voltage, 2Ć2