Avago Technologies MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i User Manual
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LSI Corporation
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StorCLI Reference Manual
January 2013
Appendix C: Unsupported Commands in Embedded MegaRAID
Appendix C: Unsupported Commands in Embedded MegaRAID
The commands in the following table are not supported in Embedded MegaRAID.
Table 26 Unsupported Commands in Embedded MegaRAID
Command Group
storcli /c0 set jbod=
storcli /c0/s2 set jbod
storcli /c0/s2 set bootdrive=
storcli /cx(x|all) set ds=OFF type=1|2|3|4
storcli /cx(x|all) set ds=ON type=1|2 [properties]
storcli /cx(x|all) set ds=ON type=3|4 DefaultLdType=<val> [properties]
storcli /cx(x|all) set ds [properties]
storcli /cx/v(x|all) set ds=Default|Auto|None|Max|MaxNoCache
storcli /cx delete securitykey
storcli /cx set securitykey=xxxxxxxx {passphrase=xxxx} {keyid=xxx}
storcli /cx set securitykey keyid=xxx
storcli /cx compare securitykey=xxxxxxxxxx
storcli /cx set securitykey=xxxxxxxx oldsecuritykey=xxxxxxxx
storcli /cx(x|all) set aso key=<key value> preview
storcli /cx(x|all) set aso key=<key value>
storcli /cx(x|all) set aso transfertovault
storcli /cx(x|all) set aso rehostcomplete
storcli /cx(x|all) set aso deactivatetrialkey
storcli /cx(x|all) show safeid
storcli /cx(x|all) show rehostinfo
storcli /c0 set time =<yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss | system>
storcli /c0 show cc|consistencycheck
storcli /c0/vall show expansion
storcli /c0 set jbod
storcli /cx download src=<filepath> [forceActivate]
Copy back
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx show copyback
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx start copyback target=eID:sID
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx stop copyback
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx pause copyback
storcli /cx[/ex]/sx resume copyback
storcli /cx/v(x|all) show migrate
storcli /cx/vx start migrate type=raidx [option=add|remove
drives=[e:]s|[e:]s-x|[e:]s-x,y] [Force]
storcli /cx/v(x|all) set ssdcaching=on|off
storcli /cx(x|all) show preservedcache
storcli /cx/v(x|all) delete preservedcache[force]
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