2 patrol read, Patrol read – Avago Technologies MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i User Manual

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StorCLI Reference Manual

January 2013

Chapter 4: Working with the Storage Command Line Tool

Controller Commands

Patrol Read

The Storage Command Line Tool supports the following patrol read commands:

storcli /cx resume patrolread

storcli /cx set patrolread ={{on mode=}|{off}}

storcli /cx set patrolread [starttime=<yyyy/mm/dd hh>] [maxconcurrentpd=<value>]

[includessds=] [uncfgareas=]

storcli /cx set patrolread delay=<value>

storcli /cx show patrolread

storcli /cx start patrolread

storcli /cx stop patrolread

storcli /cx suspend patrolread

The detailed description for each command follows.

storcli /cx resume patrolread

This command resumes a suspended patrol read operation.

Input example:

storcli /c0 resume patrolread

storcli /cx set patrolread {=on mode=}|{off}

This command turns the patrol read scheduling on and sets the mode of the patrol read to automatic or manual.

Input example:

storcli /co set patrolread=on mode=manual

storcli /cx set patrolread [starttime=<yyyy/mm/dd hh>] [maxconcurrentpd=<value>] [includessds=]

This command schedules a patrol read operation. You can use the following options for patrol read command.

Input example:

storcli /c0 set patrolread=on starttime=2012/02/21 00

NOTE A patrol read operation is scheduled for all the physical drives of the controller.

Table 5 Set Patrolread Input Options


Value Range



A valid date and hour in 24 hours format

Sets the start time in yyyy/mm/dd hh format.


Valid number of physical drives present

Sets the number of physical drives that can be patrol read at a
single time.


Include SSDs in the patrol read.


Include the areas not configured in the patrol read.

NOTE Controller time is taken as a reference for scheduling a patrol read operation.