6 setting the cache policy in a virtual drive, 7 showing virtual drive information – Avago Technologies MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i User Manual

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StorCLI Reference Manual

January 2013

Chapter 5: Frequently Used Tasks

Setting the Cache Policy in a Virtual Drive

The drives that are used to create the virtual drives.

drives = e:s|e:s-x|e:s-x,y



specifies the enclosure id.


represents the slot in the enclosure.


is the range conventions used to represents slots s to x in the enclosure e.

The physical drives per array. The physical drives per array can be set to a particular value.

The SED option creates security-enabled drives.

The PDcache option can be set to on or off.

The pi option enables protection information.

The dimmer switch is the power save policy. It can be set to default or automatic *, none, maximum(max),
or MaximumWithoutCaching(maxnocache).

The wt option disables write back.

The nora option disables read ahead.

The cached option enables the cached memory.

The CachedBadBBU option enables caching when bbu is not functional.

The strip option sets the strip size. It can take the values 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024.

The AfterVdX option creates the virtual drives in the adjacent free slot next to the specified virtual drives.

Example: /cx add vd type=r1 drives=0:10-15 WB Direct strip=64

This command creates a RAID volume of RAID 1 type from drives in slots 10 to slot 15 in enclosure 0. The strip size
is 64kb.


Setting the Cache Policy in a Virtual Drive

The following command sets the write cache policy of the virtual drive:

Storcli /cx/v(x|all) set wrcache=wt|wb|awb

The command sets the write cache to write back, write through, or always write back.


Showing Virtual Drive Information

The following command shows the virtual drive information for all the virtual drives in the controller:

storcli /cx/vall show [all]

NOTE The * indicates default values used in the creation of the virtual drives. If values are not specified, the
default values are taken.