4 premium feature key commands – Avago Technologies MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i User Manual
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LSI Corporation
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StorCLI Reference Manual
January 2013
Chapter 4: Working with the Storage Command Line Tool
Controller Commands
storcli /cx set consistencycheck|cc=[off|seq|conc][delay=value] starttime=yyyy/mm/dd hh [excludevd=x-y,z]
This command schedules a consistency check (CC) operation. You can use the following options with the consistency
check command.
Input example:
storcli /c0 set CC=on starttime=2012/02/21 00 excludevd v0-v3
storcli /cx show cc
This command shows the consistency check schedule properties for a controller.
Input example:
storcli /c0 show cc
storcli /cx show ccrate
This command checks the status of a consistency check operation. The CC rate appears in percentage.
Input example:
storcli /c0 show ccrate
Premium Feature Key Commands
The Storage Command Line Tool supports the following commands for premium feature keys:
storcli /cx set advancedsoftwareoptions(aso) key=<value> [preview] |
[deactivatetrialkey] [rehostcomplete]
storcli /cx show safeid
The detailed description for the command follows.
Table 6 Set CC Input Options
Value Range
: Sequential mode.
: Concurrent mode.
: Turns off the consistency check
Sets CC to either sequential mode, or concurrent mode, or turns off the CC.
NOTE The concurrent mode slows I/O processing.
and any integer value.
Delay a scheduled consistency check. The value is in hours. A value of 0 makes
the CC runs continuously with no delay (in a loop).
NOTE Only scheduled consistency checks can be delayed.
A valid date and hour in 24-hours
Start time of a consistency check is yyyy/mm/dd hh format.
The range should be less than the
number of virtual drives.
Excludes virtual drives from the consistency checks. To exclude particular virtual
drives, you can provide list of virtual drive names (Vx,Vy … format) or the range
of virtual drives that you want to exclude from a consistency check (Vx-Vy
format). If this option is not specified in the command, no virtual drives
are excluded.
NOTE A high CC rate slows I/O processing.
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