1 oprom bios commands – Avago Technologies MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i User Manual

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StorCLI Reference Manual

January 2013

Chapter 4: Working with the Storage Command Line Tool

BIOS-Related Commands

storcli /cx set headlessafemode|hsm=

This command drives the MegaRAID BIOS to headless safe mode if any errors are encountered during POST. In
headless safe mode, limited support exists for the StorCLI commands.

Input example:

storcli /c0/ set headlessafemode=on

storcli /cx set headlesscontinueonerror|hcoe=

This command does not drive the MegaRAID BIOS to headless safe mode if any errors are encountered during POST,
and it continues normal operation.

Input example:

storcli /c0/ set headlesscontinueonerror=on

storcli /cx set stoponerror|soe=<on|off>

This command stops the MegaRAID BIOS during POST if any errors are encountered.

Input example:

storcli /c0/ set StopOnError=on

storcli /cx show bios

This command shows if the BIOS is on or off.

Input example:

storcli /c0 show bios



The Storage Command Line Tool supports the following OPROM BIOS commands:

storcli /cx/ex/sx set bootdrive=on|off

storcli /cx/vx set bootdrive=on|off

storcli /cx show bootdrive

The detailed description for each command follows.

storcli /cx/ex/sx set bootdrive=on|off

This command sets the specified physical drive as the boot drive. During the next reboot, the BIOS looks for a boot
sector in the specified physical drive.

Input example:

storcli /c0/e32/s4 set bootdrive=on

storcli /cx/vx set bootdrive=on|off

This command sets the specified virtual drive as the boot drive. During the next reboot, the BIOS looks for a boot
sector in the specified virtual drive.

Input example:

storcli /c0/v0 set bootdrive=on