KACO Powador XP100-HV User Manual

Page 23

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Operating Instructions Powador XP100-HV

Page 23

I n s t a l l a t i o n / S t a r t - u p


If the PV voltage approximates the MPP start voltage (value of “MPPT V Start”

parameter), the MPPT will start. The inverter follows the MPP target value auto-
matically, which is varied by irradiance values. If the MPP target value is out of
the allowable MPPT range ([MPP start voltage – MPP Range lower] ~ [MPP start
voltage + MPP range upper]), the system will return to the “Initializing MPP”
state and will recalculate the MPPT start voltage.

System stop

When the “OFF” button in the GUI is selected, the PV Array side contactor and

the Grid side contactor are turned off and the system stops. If the output power
of inverter is kept below value of “MPPT P stop” parameter during time of
“MPPT T stop” parameter, connection to the grid is terminated.


If a fault occurs during operation, the system stops. The system resets the fault

and tries to remove the fault. In the case that system removes a fault success-
fully, system restarts all by itself. The system tries to remove the fault at inter-
vals of “MPPT Start” parameter since the last try until trial count reaches to the
number set in an “Auto Fault Reset Count” parameter. After the number reaches
to the “Auto Fault Reset Count” parameter, the system will log an error and the
system will not try to restart.

Table 3: Operating states