HEIDENHAIN TNC 306 Service Manual User Manual
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14.3 Connecting Cables and Adaptors for the
RS-232-C/V.24 Data Interface
14.3.1 Wiring Diagram of the RS-232-C-/V.24-Data Interface
In general, simplified wiring of the data transfer cable is sufficient for transfer via the
RS232-C interface with DC1/DC3 protocol.
GND chassis
RxD signal line
TxD signal line
GND signal ground
Bridge CTS/RTS
Bridge DTR/DSR
The data lines and the control lines of the cable between the LE 360/C and the RS-232
adaptor block (Id.No. 239 760 ..) are transposed. The pin assignment of the connector X25
of the LE 360/C corresponds to a that of a data circuit terminating equipment (DCE). Due to
the transposed data and control lines of the cable between LE 360/C and RS-232 adaptor,
the assignment at the RS-232 adaptor corresponds to a data terminal equipment (DTE)
Thus, the external units may be connected to the RS-232 adaptor via the standard
HEIDENHAIN data transfer cable (Id.No. 242 869 01).
The RS-232-C-/V.24 data interface has different pin assignments at the logic unit
X25 and at the RS-232 adaptor block.
If the pin layout of your peripheral unit is different from the above, the
HEIDENHAIN connecting cable cannot be used.