H3C Technologies H3C WX3000E Series Wireless Switches User Manual

Page 40

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# Configure Client 1 and Client 2 to access the network through WLAN-ESS 1. Configure

WLAN-ESS 1 as a hybrid port that sends packets of VLANs 100 and 200 untagged, and enable
the MAC-based VLAN feature on it.

[AC1] interface wlan-ess 1

[AC1-WLAN-ESS1] port link-type hybrid

[AC1-WLAN-ESS1] port hybrid vlan 100 200 untagged

Please wait... Done.

[AC1-WLAN-ESS1] mac-vlan enable

[AC1-WLAN-ESS1] quit

# Create a service template, and set its SSID to vlan100.

[AC1]wlan service-template 2 clear

[AC1-wlan-st-2]ssid vlan100

[AC1-wlan-st-2]bind wlan-ess 1

[AC1-wlan-st-2]authentication-method open-system

[AC1-wlan-st-2]service-template enable


# Create an AP template named ap1.

[AC1]wlan ap ap1 model wa1208e-gnp

[AC1-wlan-ap-ap1]serial-id 210235A0C509B001138

[AC1-wlan-ap-ap1]radio 1

# Bind service template 2 to interface radio1 of AP 1.

[AC1-wlan-ap-ap1]service-template 2

[AC1-wlan-ap-ap1]radio enable


# To enable the clients to access Server 1 and Server 2, configure the uplink port GigabitEthernet
1/0/2 as a trunk port, and assign it to VLANs 100 and 200.

[AC1] interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2

[AC1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port link-type trunk

[AC1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 100 200

[AC1-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] quit


Configure Device:
# Create VLANs 100 and 200. Assign Ethernet 1/13 to VLAN 100, and Ethernet 1/14 to VLAN


[Device] vlan 100

[Device-vlan100] port ethernet 1/13

[Device-vlan100] quit

[Device] vlan 200

[Device-vlan200] port ethernet 1/14

[Device-vlan200] quit

# Configure Ethernet 1/3 and Ethernet 1/4 as trunk ports, and assign them to VLANs 100 and


[Device] interface ethernet 1/3

[Device-Ethernet1/3] port link-type trunk

[Device-Ethernet1/3] port trunk permit vlan 100 200

[Device-Ethernet1/3] quit

[Device] interface ethernet 1/4