Loading aes31 editing information, Saving aes31 editing information, 7–timeline mode – Teac HS-2 User Manual

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Reading, saving and creating AES31

editing information

Loading AES31 editing information

You can load AES31 editing information loaded in the

current session to the timeline.
When viewed on a computer, the directory of the card

should be as follows.
{drive name of the card}:\{project name}\{session name}\

{AES31 editing information}


You cannot load an AES31 editing information file from a

folder other than that of the current session.


Because the AES31 file standard does not contain support

for 176.4kHz or 192kHz projects, edit information for

those sample rates will be saved and created in an original

format based on AES31.
1 Press the PROJECT key on the front panel to open




2 Touch the


button next to the project that con-

tains the session with the AES31 editing informa-

tion that you want to load to open the session se-

lection screen. If it is not the current project, a pop-

up window appears confirming that you want to

load it. Touch the



3 Touch the


button for the session with the AES31

editing information that you want to load to open

the session selection screen. If it is not the current

session, a pop-up window appears confirming that

you want to load it. Touch the



If AES31 editing files are found in the session, they

appear in the list.


• If you touch the


button after selecting a file by

touching the filename area, the date and time last

changed and the file size of that file are shown.

• The letter “


” appears in the

icon, which is also

highlighted yellow, for the currently loaded AES31 file.

4 Press the


button next to the AES31 editing infor-

mation that you want to load.

5 When a confirmation message pop-up appears,

touch the


button or press the DATA dial.

When loading AES31 editing information, a progress

status pop-up appears.
When loading completes, the pop-up window disap-

pears and the Home screen is opened. The loaded

contents replace the contents of the timeline.

Saving AES31 editing information

You can save the current timeline as an AES31 file. The

saved file is created in the current session folder.


When you edit the timeline, save the AES31 editing infor-

mation where necessary. If you do not “SAVE”, changed

contents will be deleted if other AES31 editing infor-

mation is loaded, a card is removed, or the unit is turned

If you have not saved the information after editing, a

“*” mark will be shown on the AES31 file name display

If you load other AES31 editing information when "*" is

shown, create new AES31 editing information, or change

the operation mode, a pop-up message asking if you want

to save the current AES31 editing information will appear.
1 Press the Home key on the front panel to display

the Home Screen.

2 Touch the AES31 file name display button on the

home screen to display a pull-down menu.

7–Timeline mode