Figure 61: dte to dce rs-232 pin assignments . 202 – NavCom SF-3040 Rev.F User Manual
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SF-3040 Product User Guide
– Rev. F
Figure 61: DTE to DCE RS-232 Pin Assignments
DGPS see Differential GPS.
Differential GPS (DGPS) is a positioning procedure
that uses two receivers, a rover at an unknown
location, and a reference station at a known, fixed
location. The reference station computes corrections
based on the actual and observed ranges of the
satellites being tracked. The coordinates of the
unknown location can be computed with sub-meter
level precision by applying these corrections to the
satellite data received by the rover.
Dilution of Precision (DOP) a class of measures of
the magnitude of error in GNSS position fixes due to
the orientation of the GNSS satellites with respect to
the GNSS receiver. There are several DOPs to
measure different components of the error. Note: This
is a unit-less value. see also PDOP.
DOP see Dilution of Precision.
DTE Data Terminal Equipment. See DCE.