NavCom SF-3040 Rev.F User Manual
Page 204

SF-3040 Product User Guide
– Rev. F
GPS receiver can perform, yielding position fixes that
are precise to 100 meters with Selective Availability
(S/A) on and 30 meters with S/A off.
azimuth the azimuth of a line is its direction as given
by the angle between the meridian and the line
measured in a clockwise direction from the north
branch of the meridian.
base station see reference station.
baud rate (bits per second) the number of bits sent
or received each second. For example, a baud rate of
9600 means there is a data flow of 9600 bits each
second. One character roughly equals 10 bits.
bits per second see baud rate.
bps see baud rate.
BSW (British Standard Whitworth) a type of coarse
screw thread. A 5/8” diameter BSW is the standard
mount for survey instruments.
C/A code see Coarse Acquisition code.
CAN BUS a balanced (differential) 2-wire interface
that uses an asynchronous transmission scheme.
Often used for communications in vehicular
channel the circuitry of a GPS receiver necessary to
receive the signal for a single GPS satellite.
civilian code see Coarse Acquisition code.
Coarse Acquisition code (C/A or Civilian code)
the pseudo-random code generated by GPS
satellites. It is intended for civilian use, and the
accuracy of readings using this code can be
degraded if Selective Availability (S/A) is introduced
by the U.S. Department of Defense.