Fluke Biomedical ProSim 6 User Manual
Page 44

ProSim 6/8
Users Manual
Figure 21. Initial Swan-Ganz Procedure Simulation Screen
You can do the Swan-Ganz procedure manually or automatically.
To step through the procedure manually, push the Manual softkey. Each procedure step
is shown in the display. To move to the subsequent step push the Next softkey.
After the first step, you push the Previous softkey to go back a step. You stop the
procedure when you push the Stop softkey.
To do the steps automatically, push the Start Automatic softkey. The display in
Figure 22 shows the Inserted (Right Atrium) step for the Swan-Ganz procedure.
Figure 22. Insert Step in Swan-Ganz Procedure Simulation
There is a 15 second period between steps. The remaining time for each step shows in the
right part of the display. You can push the Pause softkey to stop the countdown to the
subsequent step while the Product continues the patient simulation for that step.
Continue replaces Pause when the procedure step is paused. Push Continue to
continue the step.
You can go back a step when you push the Previous softkey. The Product simulates that
step for a full 15 seconds before it does the subsequent step. When you push the
Previous softkey while paused, the Product goes back a step, but stays paused and sets
the time to 15 seconds.
When you push the Stop softkey, the procedure simulation is stopped and the initial test
screen shown in Figure 21 shows in the display.
How to Simulate a Cardiac Catheterization Procedure (ProSim 8 only)
The Cardiac Catheterization procedure is only available in the ProSim 8.
The Product simulates blood pressure measurements on both sides of a heart valve. The
pressure difference, or gradient across the valve is used to determine heart valve