6 ip module http interface, 1 interface access – Comtech EF Data CDM-570 User Manual

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CDM-570/570L Satellite Modem with Optional IP Module

Revision 12

Ethernet IP Module Interface



13.6 IP Module HTTP Interface

The embedded IP Module HTTP Interface enables configuration and monitoring of features
unique to the IP Module Interface. It also integrates much of the CDM-570/570L Base Modem
HTTP Interface functionality (see Chapter 7. BASE MODEM HTTP INTERFACE for more
information). The IP Module HTTP Interface provides an easy-to-use interface for configuring
and monitoring most aspects of the CDM-570/570L modem and all IP Module parameters.

You can fully monitor and control operation of the IP
Module from the IP Module HTTP Interface. Roll the
cursor over the tabs located at the top of each page to
select from the available nested hyperlinks (as shown to
the right).

The pages in the IP Module HTTP Interface have been designed to work using either Microsoft’s
Internet Explorer Version 6.0 or higher, or Mozilla Firefox Version 2.0 or higher (the examples
shown use Internet Explorer Version 7.0).

1. The Ethernet M&C port is designed to be used on a CDM-570/570L modem

that does NOT have the optional IP Module installed. With the IP Module
installed the IP Module Traffic port and Base Modem M&C port will share the
same IP address and can cause an IP conflict on the local network if both
ports are used. Therefore, when the IP Module is installed, only the IP Module
Traffic port should be used for IP traffic, Base Modem and IP Module FW
upgrades, and Ethernet Management. The Traffic port supports Ethernet
Management of all IP Module functions as well as all Base Modem functions
via Web, Telnet and SNMP.

2. In order to make any IP Module modifications permanent, the unit

configuration must be saved before rebooting the unit (select Maint/Save).


Interface Access

To initiate a Web session with the CDM-570/570L IP Module, from a Web browser type (where “” represents the IP address of the IP Module)
into the browser’s Address area:

The Login window appears, similar to the example shown here, and
prompts you to type a User name and Password. For all interfaces,
the default for both is comtech.

(Note: The site IP address shown in this example is for display
purposes only. Contact your network administrator to determine
the appropriate IP address assignment for your modem.)

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