Adobe Illustrator CS4 User Manual

Page 129

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To assign a new color to a different row of current colors, drag the new color up or down in the New column.
(To add a new color to or remove a color from the New column, right-click in the list and choose Add New Color
or Remove Color.)

To change a color in the New column, right-click it and choose Color Picker to set a new color.

To exclude a row of current colors from being reassigned, click the arrow

between the columns. To include

it again, click the dash.

To exclude a single current color from being reassigned, right-click the color and choose Exclude Colors, or click
the icon


To randomly reassign colors, click the Randomly Change Color Order button

. The New colors move

randomly to different rows of current colors.

To add a row to the Current Colors column, right-click and choose Add New Row, or click the icon



To separate or merge colors in the Current Colors row, do either of the following:

To separate colors into separate rows, select the color block you want to move and right-click and choose
Separate Colors Into Different Rows, or click the icon


To merge colors into one row, Shift-click to select multiple colors, and then right-click and choose Merge Colors
Into A Row, or click the icon



To change tints or shades of new colors, click the triangle next to the right of a new color (or right-click a color and
choose Colorize Method), and choose an option. Select Apply To All if you want the same option to apply to all new
colors in the color group.

Note: Tints And Shades and Hue Shift are only available when you choose not to preserve spot colors.


Click OK to recolor the artwork. If you don’t want to recolor the artwork, click Cancel, or deselect Recolor Artwork
and click OK.

Randomly change saturation and brightness in all colors


If necessary, select an object and choose Edit > Edit Colors > Recolor Artwork.


In the Edit Colors/Recolor Artwork dialog box, click the Randomly Change Saturation and Brightness button


Note: You can also change saturation and brightness when editing a color group using the Color Bars display.

View original colors in your artwork as you assign new colors

When you recolor selected artwork, the colors in the selected color group replace the original colors. When assigning
new colors, it helps to see where an original color (from the Current Colors column) appears in your artwork,
especially if your artwork is very detailed, or contains many original colors.


If necessary, select an object and choose Edit > Edit Colors > Recolor Artwork.


In the Recolor Artwork dialog box, click the Click On Colors Above To Find Them In Artwork button

, and

then click a color in the Current Colors column.

The artwork that uses that color appears in full color on the artboard while all other areas of the selected artwork
are dimmed.


Click the icon again to return your artwork to full color.