Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual

Page 76

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Maintaining a Power Line Repeating Network

d. Optionally, you can configure the LNS Server properties (if you want to change the HTTP

port, user name, or password used by the SmartServer to access the LNS Proxy Web service).
See Chapter 3 of the i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User’s Guide for more information on setting
these properties.

e. Click Submit to save the changes.

3. Enable your Web browser to access the LNS Proxy Web service on the LNS Server computer. To

do this, follow these steps:

a. Add the locations of your local SmartServer and the LNS Server on which the LNS Proxy

Web service is installed as trusted sites. To do this with Internet Explorer 7, click Tools, click
Internet Options, click the Security tab, click Trusted Sites, and then click Sites. Clear the
Require Service Verification check box.

By default, the IP address of your local SmartServer appears in the Add this

Website to the Zone box. Click Add to add the IP address of your local SmartServer. Enter
the IP address of the LNS Proxy Web service in the Add this Website to the Zone box, click
Add, click Close, and then click OK.

b. Enable your Web browser to access sites over other domains. To do this with Internet

Explorer 7, click Tools, click Internet Options, click the Security tab, and then click
Custom. Under the Miscellaneous category, select Enable or Prompt for the Access data
sources across
domains property.

Note: If you do not complete step 3, the Cannot Access Remote Host dialog appears when
you try to create a new LNS network database or synchronize the network attached to your
SmartServer to an existing LNS network in the subsequent steps.

4. Click Driver, and then click the network icon in the SmartServer tree. The Setup - LON

Network Driver Web page opens.