Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual
Page 45

i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line Repeating Network Management Guide
• To use the scanning method, scan the Neuron ID bar code label on the device using a
hands-free cordless scanner or a handheld gun-style laser, gun-style LED, and pen-style
scanner to scan the bar code and then proceed to step 9.
5. If you are using the service pin method, the LON Device Identification dialog opens.
6. Optionally, you can select the Show Messages with Identical Program ID Only box to limit
service pin messages to those devices that have the same program ID.
7. Press the service pin of the device. The Neuron ID and program ID of the device being installed
are both entered into the Incoming Service Pin Messages box, and they are input into the Neuron
ID or LUID and Program ID boxes, respectively. Note that you can still manually enter the
device’s Neuron ID in the Neuron ID or LUID box.
8. Click OK to return to the Setup - LON Device Driver Web page.
9. In the Geographical Position property, enter a description of the device location such as a light
pole number or GPS coordinates that can be associated with the device.
10. Click Submit. The SmartServer discovers the repeating path for the device and commissions it.
11. Repeat steps 2–10 for each device on the network to be installed.