Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual

Page 120

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Controlling a Street Lighting Network with the Scheduler Application

d. In the Function box, select the Sunrise icon (

). The calculated sunrise time appears in the

Time box, which becomes read-only, and an Offset box is added to the right of the Time
box. If the event is to occur sometime before or after sunrise, enter that period of time in the
Offset box. For example, if you want a DIMMING event to occur 15 minutes before sunrise,
enter -00:15

e. In the Value box, select OFF. If OFF does not appear as an option in the list, you can enter

OFF and then create an OFF preset as described in the Selecting Data Points section.


In the Priority box, enter a priority that is lower than the 255 priority used for the weekend
daily schedule (this example use a priority of 210). This priority essentially locks out the
events in the weekday daily schedule, which have lower priorities (255).

g. Create a new event. To do this, right-click anywhere in the row of the current event and click

Add on the shortcut menu. A new row is added to the dialog.

h. In the Function box, select the Sundown icon (

). The calculated sundown time appears in

the Time box, which becomes read-only, and an Offset box is added to the right of the Time
box. If the event is to occur sometime before or after sundown, enter that period of time in
the Offset box. For example, if you want an ON_60 event to occur 30 minutes after
sundown, enter 00:30.


In the Value box, select ON_60. If ON_60 does not appear as an option in the list, you can
enter ON_60 and then create an ON_60 preset as described in the Selecting Data Points