Setting devices offline – Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual
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Maintaining a Power Line Repeating Network
2. Select one or more devices from the tree to be decommissioned.
• To select one device, click that device.
• To select multiple devices and perform a batch upgrade, click one device and then either hold
down CTRL and click all other devices to be decommissioned or hold down SHIFT and select
another device to decommission the entire range of devices. The Setup - LON Device
Driver Web page opens.
3. Right-click a selected device, point to Manage, and click Decommission.
Alternatively, you can change the Commission Status property to Uncommissioned in the
Setup - LON Device Driver Web page, which appears when you select devices in step 3.
4. The SmartServer places the devices in the soft-offline state (the device has an application loaded
and is configured, but it is offline) and then unconfigures the devices. The offline devices are
highlighted red in the SmartServer tree and in the Power Line Repeating Analysis Web page.
5. To recommission an unconfigured device and place it back online, select one or more devices to
recommission, right-click a selected device, point to Manage, and then click Commission on the
shortcut menu. You then select the devices again, right-click a selected device, point to Manage,
and then click Set Online on the shortcut menu.
Alternatively, you can select the Smart Network Management check boxes for the Commission
Status and Application Status properties in the Setup - LON Device Driver Web page, and then
click Submit. You can also change the Commission Status property to Commissioned and
change the Application Status property to Application Running (Online), and then click
Note: Changing the domain ID of the SmartServer causes all the devices on the network to be
recommissioned automatically and reconfigured to the new domain ID.
Setting Devices Offline
You can set a device on a power line repeating channel to the offline state in order to stop running its
application. This may be useful for testing the behavior of other devices on the network. An offline
device still receives data point updates; however, it does not process them. Instead, the offline device
transmits the default values for its data points. In addition, an offline device can still process
commission, decommission, set online, query status, clear status, wink and reset commands.
Note: Setting a device offline may affect the performance of the power line repeating network,
particularly if the device is being used as a repeating agent in a repeating chain. If a repeating agent is