Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual
Page 66

Maintaining a Power Line Repeating Network
To automatically replace a device, follow these steps:
1. Attach the replacement device to the network by applying power to the device and attaching its
network connection as documented by the device manufacturer.
2. Click the Driver option at the top of the navigation pane on the left side of the SmartServer Web
3. Open the Overview – Devices Web page. To do this right-click a network or channel, point to
Overview, and then click Devices. This example replaces the DIO-1 device.
4. Click Scan to discover the replacement device.
5. When the replacement device is discovered (dio-10v3 in this example), its Neuron ID appears in
the Neuron ID property, and the under construction triangle appears to the right of the generic
device icon.
6. In the Replacement ID property of the replacement device, select the name of the original device
to be replaced.