Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual
Page 132

Connecting Devices on a Power Line Repeating Network
c. Select one of the following comparison functions: equal to (default), not equal to, greater
than, less than, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to. Note: If you are evaluating a
structured data point as a whole, you can only select the equal (=) or not equal to (!=)
comparison functions.
d. Enter a comparison value. The default comparison value is 0. The comparison value can be
one of the following:
• An integral or floating-point value if evaluating a scalar data point or a field within a
structured data point that has a scalar type.
• A space-separated structured value (e.g., 100.0 1) if evaluating a structured data point as
a whole.
• An enumeration string (e.g., HVAC_HEAT) if evaluating an enumerated data point or a
field within a structured data point that has an enumerated type.
Note: You cannot use a preset as the comparison value.
e. Click Submit.
5. To create another condition that must evaluate to TRUE for the case to be executed (create a
nested IF-THEN statement), click the bottom level ALWAYS case and repeat step 4.
6. Click anywhere in the Copy rule to edit the rule.
a. Select an input point (to the left of the TO operator) from the list. If you created a nested IF-
ELSE statement (two IF statements), the input point in the Copy rule is the same input point
you selected in the nested (second) IF statement, and it cannot be changed.
b. If the input point is a structured data point, a list box is added to the right of the input data
point. Select whether to evaluate a field within the structure or the entire structure. By
default, the entire structure is evaluated.
c. Enter a multiplier (a whole or decimal number) in the multiplier box to scale the value of the
input point. Note: If you are copying an enumerated value to the output point, you must enter
0 in this box.
d. Add or subtract a constant to the value of the input point. To do this, select the desired
operator and then enter the value of the constant in the constant box. The default constant is 1.
Note: If you are copying to an enumerated output point, select the string value (e.g.,
HVAC_HEAT) of an enumerated data point or field in this box. You cannot copy an index to
an enumerated output point. If you are copying to an enumerated field within a structured
data point, you must first select the enumerated field from the output point box (to the right of
the TO operator) as described in step f.
e. Select an output point (to the right of the TO operator) from the list.
If the output point is a structured data point, a list box is added to the right of the output data
point. Select whether to evaluate a field within the structure or the entire structure. By
default, the entire structure is evaluated.