Welcome, Purpose, Audience – Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual

Page 7: Models, Network installation equipment

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i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line Repeating Network Management Guide



When running on a noisy PL-20 power line channel, the SmartServer can use a repeating function to
transmit network messages to the devices closest to it, which in turn relay the messages to the devices
located further down the power line, and so on until the message reaches the target device. The
repeating function enables the network management commands sent by the SmartServer to reach the
target devices, overcoming impediments posed by power line channels such as excessive noise and
long distances between devices.


This document describes how to manage, control, and monitor a power line repeating network using
the SmartServer.


This guide is intended for system designers and integrators with an understanding of control networks.


The power line repeating guide is intended for models of the SmartServer that operate on PL-20 power
line channels (models 72103R-430, 72103R-439, and 72103R-445). PL-20 models of the SmartServer
may include programming and IP-852 routing features (you can license IP-852 routing for units that do
not have this feature enabled). There is also a PL-20 model of the SmartServer (model 72103R-450)
that includes an external coupling option, which enables the SmartServer to communicate over
virtually any AC or DC power mains, including three-phase systems. The inputs and outputs of each
model are slightly different, as noted in the i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Hardware Guide.

You cannot use earlier versions of the i.LON hardware (v1.0, e2, or e3) to install or manage a power
line repeating network.

Note: The IP-852 routing feature is disabled when managing a PL-20 repeating channel. This is
because IP-852 routing is not supported when the SmartServer is operating in standalone mode, and
standalone mode is required for the SmartServer to manage a PL-20 repeating channel.

Network Installation Equipment

The installation of a power line repeating network entails attaching L




repeating devices

(Neuron-hosted devices or host-based ShortStack devices) to the power line and sending their Neuron
IDs, and optionally their locations, to the SmartServer using a Pocket PC, the SmartServer Web pages,
or a custom C# application. Upon receiving the device data, the SmartServer discovers the repeating
path for each device, and if you are using a Pocket PC, it commissions the devices, and then loads, re-
commissions, and places the devices online. The process of commissioning, loading,
re-commissioning, and placing the devices online is optional if you are using the SmartServer Web
pages or a custom C# application

The recommended installation method for a power line repeating network entails using a bar code
scanner and a Windows-based Pocket PC with built-in GPS receiver (or a Pocket PC and separate GPS
receiver with Bluetooth connections) to acquire the Neuron IDs and geographic locations (coordinates)
of the devices. After acquiring the Neuron IDs and locations, they are sent from the Pocket PC to the
SmartServer. Once the SmartServer receives the device data, it automatically installs the devices.

Note that you can manually enter the Neuron IDs and locations of the devices using the SmartServer
Web interface; however it may not practicable or efficient to do so. This is especially true if the
installers are not trained on using the SmartServer Web interface, or if the installation is for an outdoor
system such as street lighting, where access to an Ethernet, GPRS, or dial-out connection may not be
readily available or is cost-prohibitive.