Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual

Page 27

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i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line Repeating Network Management Guide


Commissioning a Power Line Repeating Network in the Correct

You must either commission the power line repeating network all at one time, or commission it
incrementally starting from the devices closest to the SmartServer. This is because the SmartServer
must commission the repeating devices closest to it so that they can be used to reach and commission
the devices located further down the power line.

If you commission the network all at one time, the SmartServer can automatically discover and
commission the devices in order. In this case, the SmartServer first discovers the repeating and target
devices with which it has direct communication and commissions them. The SmartServer then uses
the commissioned repeating devices to reach and commission the devices located further down the
power line, and it continues this process until it has installed the entire network.

If you commission the network incrementally, you must add the devices to the SmartServer in
topological order. This means that you must first add the repeating devices closest to the SmartServer.
You then add the repeating devices closest to the previously installed set of devices, and repeat this
process until the entire network has been installed.

If you are installing the network incrementally and you try to install a device at an intermediate
location (a place where the device cannot directly communicate with the SmartServer or reach it
though a repeating device), the commissioning process for that device will fail. Furthermore, that
repeating device cannot be utilized as a repeating agent to reach the devices further down the power
line. After the network has been installed, the SmartServer will attempt to commission the device
again, and the commissioning will succeed provided that the SmartServer can communicate with the