Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual
Page 17

i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line Repeating Network Management Guide
5. Connect the Pocket PC to your computer via a USB or serial connection.
6. Set up a sync partnership between your computer and the Pocket PC. Your computer is now
connected to the Pocket PC and you can begin copying files.
7. Download or copy the Street Lighting Helper file to your Pocket PC. To copy the file, skip to step
8. To download the file, follow these steps:
a. On your computer, browse to the C:\LonWorks\iLon100\unsupported\iLonProxy\Install
folder and then double-click the setup.exe file. The Echelon Street Lighting Helper wizard
b. Click Next. The Select Installation Folder window appears.
c. The Street Lighting Helper application will be installed in the C:\Program Files\Echelon\
Echelon Street Lighting Helper folder by default. You can click Browse to select a different
destination folder. Click Next. The Confirm Installation window opens.