Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Power Line User Manual
Page 130

Connecting Devices on a Power Line Repeating Network
a. Click anywhere in the Copy rule to change the default input or output points, scale the input
point, or add an offset.
b. If you added more than one input point, you can change the default input point (the first input
point added to the type translator) by clicking it and then selecting a different input point from
the list.
c. If the input point is a structured data point, a list box is added to the right of the input data
point. Select whether to evaluate a field within the structure or the entire structure. By
default, the entire structure is evaluated. Note that you can explicitly set the rule to evaluate
the entire structure by selecting * from the list. This is required if you first select a field and
then decide to evaluate the entire structure.
d. If you want to scale the value of the input point, enter a multiplier (a whole or decimal
number) in the multiplier box.
e. If you want to add or subtract an offset to the value of the input point, select the desired
operator and then enter the value of the offset in the constant box.
If you added more than one output point, you can change the default output point by clicking
it and then selecting an output point from the list.